Tuesday Tips: How To Dress For The Gym

As I have been spending a lot of time at the gym over the past couple of months during my new intense workout schedule, I have observed that only at about 20% of the male gym-goers actually dress properly for the gym. So as I am pretty sick of looking at gym wear disasters - let's have a little run over several "DOs" and "DON'Ts". 



Burning Calories
Wearing a hoodie or a sweatshirt during cardio actually is very beneficial for you. Firstly by keeping your muscles, joints and ligaments warm which improves blood circulations and lessen the risk of tears, strains and other injuries.  And secondly by increasing the sweating which burns your calories and gets your toxins out. 

Wights Lifting 
A simple one coloured T-shirt is more than great for people with normal body weight. It simply created depth and simplicity. Neon colours, simple black, white, grey as well as soft are great choices to stay simple and good looking.  


Extremely deep cut tanks are not the most appropriate choice if you are not a professional body builder. 

Wearing these tanks when you are skinny makes you look like Dobby from Harry Potter.  



Bottoms should be both efficient and stylish. no matter what you choose - athletic pants or shorts- their length is a key element that you should consider when shopping for your gym apparel. If you choose shorts their length should be no longer than a couple of inches above the knee. If you choose pants, make sure they reach your ankles.Anything longer will stand in the way no matter if you run or lift and anything shorter will make you look like you are wearing capris - which is not a good looking thing on anyone of the male audience. Keep in mind that no with both shorts and trackies - you should have full range of movement flexibility, however baggy is a big DON'T.  Suggested premium pair to try are the GymShark Trakies which are perfect for both legs day exercise or cardio. Other stores and brands like NIKE and H&M also have good cheaper pairs 

BASED ON TRUE STORY: Under all circumstances avoid wearing men's swimwear such as shorts that are barely covering your intimate parts is always going to be a NO! Nobody wants yo see your penis while exercising.
Also try to stay away from - Spandex, Cardio shorts, capris and puffy cotton sweats.


Trainers at the gym are probably one of the most important choices that you can make. With all of these endless options for trainers on the market this is your change to express your personality and character. A good way to make a statement is with Nike Roshe Runs, Nike Free 5.0 v4 ID, or with Nike Air Walk. 

Socks should be simple - white, grey or black. Nothing bright on dots or themes socks like - Sponge bob or Star Wars. 

Don't ever wear sandals, formal shoes or Converse. You will look weird. 



If you like wearing hats while training a simple beanie is probably the best choice.
Lifting straps can be a very useful and supportive accessory especially to people with weak wrists like me. However having them too long does not do you any favors- perfect example are the GymShark lifitng straps. 


Sweatbands - NO NO NO! 

Winter gloves or bikers leather gloves - some people think these gloves are appropriate to wear at the gym. Such statement is not true if you must wear gloves invest in Nike or Everlast. 

When shopping for gym appeal - keep these tips in mind and remember that how you feel in your gym outfit will improve your performance while working out. Dress like a Pro - Work out like a Pro.   

Some examples of normal gym wear: 


Student Life In Gifs

With the revision and exam time kicking in I thought that it will be good to have a little laugh so I came up with this this idea. Hope you enjoy. 

The only thing you want to do after Freshers Week is sleep. 

But then you get your strengths back together and the student loan comes in and you feel like this - 

First week of lectures and lecturers will be like: "Referring to reading list ... " then suddenly your reaction is something like this: 

Then of course group work kicks in and there is always someone that does not contribute as much as the rest, this is for the rest of the groups feel: 

Going into group presentation  after sleepless weeks in the library feeling like:

And this is how competition sees you: 

When you pass a coursework with a first: 

But then exam time hits you and revision :

When security shuts down a party during revision time - "Justice" : 

Tutors in the last minute of exam will be like "Everyone stop writing!"people that sit far behind always keep on writing - people up in the front feel like: 


Your look before you see your exam results: 

When you see a hottie after exam time you'll be like : 

Going back to the gym after exams - girls will be like : 

Then before you realise the new wave of work comes in and you find yourself in the library again - you're like "What the heck just happen!"

And of course friends bragging about their 80% on exams, your Expression: 


Sitting in the library gossiping about someone and they magically sit next to you:

Friends who found placement/grad job before you did - what you feel on the inside : 


Tuesday Tips: 5 Denim Jeans you should have for Spring

As it's now May and Spring is at its full blast - change in the wardrobe is required. 
The best way to lift your mood up is to get the light denim jeans out OR get a new pair!

Here are some inspirational samples: 

  • H&M Jeans

  • ASOS

  • Zara

  • Levi's Vintage Clothing 

  • Burberry


Nike Roshe Run Review

It's been almost a month since I got my Roshe Runs! 
After they exploded all over the world in 2013, I decided to finally check out what all that buzz was about.
Quick three summary points why should you try Nike Roche Run: 

  • Simple and Stylish trainers - its design is very minimal and doesn't suffer from being overdesigned like many other trainers. Also comes is multiple colours and patterns.
  • It’s incredibly comfortable and light! Running shoes are always pretty soft and cushioned allowing air to come in, but the Roshe Run takes this to a new level, it’s like wearing a supportive sock.
  • Easy to find - you can pretty much find them in every shoe/trainers store, I personally for mines from Office.

  • The Design! - The design is very simple, very current -following the recent trend for minimalism 
    The designers of the Roshe actually found his inspiration about the trainers from the Zen GardensThis great design you can now find in multiple colours and patterns with different materials and overlays.  

    First Time Training with them - From the moment you put them on - two feature come clear right away - Comfort and light weight. The material my model have is very thin and lets aim in so you can feel the wind when you walk which for me is a key feature. Also they are so light you can take them everywhere with you.
    The tongue is designed not to move from one side to the other, which I find a massive benefit! Other trainers always have their tongues moving either to the left or the right - with the Roshe its always in the centre. 

    A little disadvantage of the design is the front toe part. When you actively train or run on the road you  may notice that there is a limited support on the toe and it comes across weak. 

    In general these trainers are great for everyday walk around town or gym. I would advise you to get yourselves a pair especially for the summer. 

    You can find out more about the available models in Office .


    April Favorite Music

    Hello Everyone!
    It’s been a pretty stressful month piled with coursework on top of work and being ill... :( 
    So now that I have my coursework out of the way + feeling a little bit better I have decided to post some of the music that kept my mood up throughout the agony days!

    I hope you enjoy! :)