The only thing you want to do after Freshers Week is sleep.
But then you get your strengths back together and the student loan comes in and you feel like this -
First week of lectures and lecturers will be like: "Referring to reading list ... " then suddenly your reaction is something like this:
Then of course group work kicks in and there is always someone that does not contribute as much as the rest, this is for the rest of the groups feel:
Going into group presentation after sleepless weeks in the library feeling like:
And this is how competition sees you:
When you pass a coursework with a first:
But then exam time hits you and revision :
When security shuts down a party during revision time - "Justice" :
Tutors in the last minute of exam will be like "Everyone stop writing!"people that sit far behind always keep on writing - people up in the front feel like:
Your look before you see your exam results:
When you see a hottie after exam time you'll be like :
Going back to the gym after exams - girls will be like :
Then before you realise the new wave of work comes in and you find yourself in the library again - you're like "What the heck just happen!"
And of course friends bragging about their 80% on exams, your Expression:
Sitting in the library gossiping about someone and they magically sit next to you:
Friends who found placement/grad job before you did - what you feel on the inside :